a new way forward
counseling for peace and purpose
The hardest part of getting
started is getting started.
True enough - getting started can be tough. Sometimes just deciding to act may seem to take mental energy you aren’t sure you have. Maybe until now, standing still has seemed safer than facing the new or unknown. But here’s some good news: You’ve already begun.
If you are reading these words, then some part of you is already leaning forward. Some part of you is already considering that you could be more of a force in your own life, that you could create change for yourself and actually feel and do better
.That’s leaning forward.
We can all feel and do better. We can all BE better. We can work to put down the burdens we’ve been carrying and get clearer on our narratives. Only then can we take that metaphorical deep breath and start the work of going forward in a new way.
We can do that together.
I invite you to come in and meet me. Let’s talk more about how we might work together toward better days.
I hope you reach out today
Hi, I’m Jinger…
And I’m glad you’re here.
I am a licensed professional counselor working with individuals, couples and families in the beautiful foothills outside Denver, Colorado. After many years spent working and training in Switzerland, I have returned to my homeland understanding that I will always be my best self living, practicing, and teaching in the soulful peace of the mountains.
The therapy I offer is one of both compassion and challenge, of collaboration and co-thinking. You can count on my deep interest in who you are and a sincere compassion for the struggles you’re facing. Also expect my honest feedback, my caring challenge of the status quo, and a healthy dose of humor.
It's a rich and meaningful journey. I'm ready when you are.

Don’t Wait to Get the Help You Need.
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